Upvc Windows in Delhi
Upvc Sliding Windows Delhi
Hardware Windows in delhi
UPVC Grill Windows Delhi


The prices of our uPVC doors & windows are very economical even when compared to the other alternates available in the market and apart from this it also delivers many other advantages. This is the reason uPVC Doors & windows takes more and more market share from other materials in its applications.

When one plans to buy a window one should look at its Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). To find out the TCO of the windows one may assume the life of the window to be 15 years

  • These uPVC doors & windows do not require any maintenance as they do not need painting & polishing every 3 – 4 years unlike wooden doors & windows therefore there is no recurring cost. Considering the painting and polishing for both sides of the window for Rs. 60 per sq. ft., we have to bear an additional cost of Rs. 300 sq. ft. over a period of 15 years.
  • These uPVC doors & windows are Air Tight & save around 35% of energy in comparison to other types of windows as these windows are energy efficient. They save around 35 % in form of reduced energy bills.

After evaluating the cost savings you get by less maintenance and energy saving uPVC windows repay over a period of time